Saturday, 9 January 2021

NOW online: selected pieces of 'BEACONS for LIFE' on youtube

The concert marathon of 'Guiding Friends: Beacons for Life' has come to an end. Selected pieces can now be watched and listened to online: 

Playlist Beacons for Life

(By following this link you will be able to watch a playlist that follows the order of the concert programme as it was performed live.)

Friday, 1 January 2021

footage of Heloise Palmer's 'Beacons for Life' - performances of December 2020


Heloise Palmer, Dec 2020

Heloise Palmer, Dec 2020

Heloise Palmer, Dec 2020

Heloise Palmer, Dec 2020

Heloise Palmer, Dec 2020

Heloise Palmer's BEACONS for LIFE - winter programme ; programme sheet

 Guiding Friends: Beacons for Life

successfully premiered and performed numerous times in December 2020

Heloise Palmer; Beacons for Life, Dec 2020

performances took place in December 2020, either for audiences with a restricted number of members (personal invite only) or online