Wednesday 28 September 2016

frei zu sein. Ein Dialog: Hintergrundinformationen zu den 'neuen' musikalischen Werken

frei zu sein. Ein Dialog

1. Szene: descende Orfëa...

Einspielung: Gesualdo di Venosa: Gagliarda
Bearbeitung (HP Palmer) für Glockenspiel

Heloïse Ph. Palmer: pre-ludere
- inspiriert von einem Motiv aus 24 Präludien von Hans Martin von Katte (1934-2016)
- Katte führte ein Leben gegen alle Konvention, frei, asketisch, seinem Willen folgend
- ludere, lateinisch: scherzen, spielen, spaßen
- große harmonische Freiheit und Spaßhaftigkeit, fließender Rhythmus "wie im Taumel"
- komponiert 2016

2. Szene: Alle Menschen sind frei

Jacqueline Fontyn (*1930): Quasi-Haiku
- inspiriert von dem Gedicht Quasi-Haiku aus Ohne sie, wo wärest Du?
- größtenteils aus aleatorischen Figuren bestehend, damit dem Pianisten große Freiheit gewährend
- komponiert 2015

3. Szene: Was ist Bewußtheit?

Elainie Lillios: Solitude's Stark Wilderness
- inspiriert von dem Gedicht Waise über Nacht aus Ohne sie, wo wärest Du?
- komponiert 2015

5. Szene: Was ist Leben?

Einspielung: Die Freiheit, die ich meine
Satz für Orgel: Heloïse Ph. Palmer

Santa Ratniece (*1977): In Love with Liberty
- inspiriert von der Fabel Freiheitsliebe (engl: In Love with Liberty)
- den metallischen, teils glockenartigen Klang erzeugen im Klavierinnern angebrachte Magnete
- die Fabel handelt von einer kupfernen Statue, die durch ihre Sehnsucht nach Liebe den ihr Verfallenden ungewollt Verderben bringt
- komponiert 2016

John Palmer (*1959): woanders
- inspiriert von dem Gedicht La-Ura
- für electronics und Klavier
- mit aleatorischen Momenten
- komponiert 2016

6. Szene: memento lacrimas - memora risum

Vic Hoyland (*1945): This One for Joan
- Sammlung von 13 Klavierstücken für die befreundete Pianistin Joan Dixon
- Nummer 11: "on D - from/to"
- Nummer 4: "TOKEN - on E"
- komponiert 2015

7. Szene: Pony

Einspielung: Heloïse Ph. Palmer: unsre blinden Augen

Thursday 15 September 2016

composer Vic Hoyland talking about his piano piece being part of Heloïse Palmer's show: 'To Be Free - a dialogue in seven scenes'

"Thanks to the CE piano sampler, where one of these pieces is included, "This One for Joan" had been noticed by players looking for new repertoire, and Heloïse Ph. Palmer is to perform part of the Volume 1, as an integral part of her programme, on her European concert tour, this October - November. The 1st performance is at Riga and further performances occur across Germany. Of course, I’m pleasantly surprised and delighted by this surprise outcome. And I’m intrigued by a project which places my work inside a carefully conceived event."

-- Vic Hoyland, September 2016

announcement of premiere performance of Vic Hoyland's piano pieces as part of "To Be Free - a dialogue in seven scenes"

Vic Hoyland’s work will continue to resonate the old continent beyond September, too: Heloise Ph. Palmer takes on tour his collection of piano miniatures “This One for Joan”. With its first performance in Riga and further appearances in Stuttgart, Berlin and beyond, Heloise Ph. Palmer will be performing Nos 4, 7 and 11 of the so far incomplete set. “There are 13 pieces in Volume 1 plus just 1 of a further 8 planned for part 2. Now that I have restored a 1500s barn to be my music room, and a new piano arrives today, I can complete the project,” says the Yorkshire-born composer who divides his time between UK and Sicily. More information on the performances on this link.

Friday 2 September 2016

NEW muïetic programme on freedom: To Be Free - a dialogue in seven scenes -

The new muïetic programme
To Be Free - a dialogue in seven scenes -
will soon be premiered in Riga, Latvia, namely on the 9th November at 6:30 pm at Reformatu Church. This programme was commissioned by the ARENA Festival of Contemporary Music in Latvia.

A preview performance will take place in Stuttgart, Germany, on 22nd October at 7 pm in the chamber music hall of the Tempelgesellschaft.

The programme features a few world premieres, mainly of pieces inspired by poetry of pianist and author Heloïse Ph. Palmer.

These world premieres will be:

Quasi-Haiku (after a poem by HP Palmer) by Jacqueline Fontyn
Solitude's Stark Wilderness (after a poem by HP Palmer) by Elainie Lillios
In Love with Liberty (after a fable by HP Palmer) by Santa Ratniece
woanders (after a poem by HP Palmer) by John Palmer

3 pieces of this one for Joan by Vic Hoyland
pre-ludere (variation on a prelude by Hans Martin von Katte) by Heloïse Ph. Palmer

The programme also features music by
Gesualdo di Venosa, Franz Liszt, Ethel Smyth, Akin Euba, Arnold Schönberg and Giovanni Gabrieli

as well as poetry and prose by Heloïse Ph. Palmer

Heloïse Ph. Palmer - To Be Free