once upon a time...
Es war einmal
ein Mensch,
beginnt die Rahmenhandlung in Heloïse Palmers neuem Programm. Das Märchen, von
welchem hier berichtet wird, ist das Leben selbst. Der Zuhörer begegnet allem,
was ein Märchen erzählenswert macht: Konflikt, Mut, Auflösung, Erkenntnis. Die
erklingende Musik stammt von WA Mozart, C. Franck, A. Skriabin, C. Loewe, A. Ginastera, John & Heloïse Palmer.
Erscheinen Sie zahlreich am 23. Februar, um 17 Uhr im Carl-Loewe-Haus zu
Löbejün; seien Sie herzlich eingeladen zu einem neuen muïetischen Klavierkonzert
mit Heloïse Palmer.
Heloise Palmer's latest muietic programme is about 'letting go'. She performs major works by WA Mozart, C. Franck, A. Scriabin, A. Ginastera, John Palmer and herself. The programme also features two world premieres; one of which will be a piano transcription of the song Die Lotosblume by Carl Loewe.
The programme is completed and enriched by a tale written by Heloise Palmer.
Welcome to the premiere performance of once upon a time; on 23rd February 2019, in Löbejün, Germany.
Heloise Palmer's latest muietic programme is about 'letting go'. She performs major works by WA Mozart, C. Franck, A. Scriabin, A. Ginastera, John Palmer and herself. The programme also features two world premieres; one of which will be a piano transcription of the song Die Lotosblume by Carl Loewe.
The programme is completed and enriched by a tale written by Heloise Palmer.
Welcome to the premiere performance of once upon a time; on 23rd February 2019, in Löbejün, Germany.